Stepafter helps people find and sign up for plans that cater to their specific needs, like post-illness meds or post-tattoo instructions. It makes life easier by simplifying all the complex stuff, one plan at a time!


iOS, Android

Product Designer


The Challenge

Designing the app's interface presented some challenges, mainly around the complexity of post-procedure care. Patients often have to deal with various issues after getting medical treatments, so they need to manage their owncare. This means things like taking medication, doing exercises, and takingcare of themselves. The app needed to organize and schedule all these tasks daily, giving clear instructions on what to do each day, what medications to take, and how to handle any questions or concerns you might have. It was important to balance simplicity with comprehensive information to make sure users could easily follow the care plan you've set up for them. Also, addingfeatures for tracking your progress, managing your appointments, and gettingsupport from other people added to the complexity of the design process.
