Ultracast offers an immersive viewing experience with 360-degree content. Explore the world in all directions from the comfort of your device with our groundbreaking 360-viewing platform.


iOS, Android

Product Designer


The Challenge

Designing the interface for the application presented several challenges, particularly due to the limited availability of 360-degree content. The primary focus was on continuously engaging users with fresh and compelling videos to ensure their sustained interest in the app.

One challenge was the need to curate a diverse range of high-quality 360-degree content to cater to various user preferences and interests. This involved establishing partnerships with content creators, acquiring licenses for existing 360-degree videos, and encouraging user-generated content to expand the app's content library.

Additionally, implementing features to encourage user engagement and retention was crucial. This included personalized recommendations, notifications for new content releases, social sharing capabilities, and interactive elements within the 360-degree videos to enhance user immersion.

Balancing the promotion of new content without overwhelming users with excessive notifications or advertisements required careful consideration. The interface needed to strike a delicate balance between showcasing fresh content and providing a seamless and enjoyable user experience to encourage users to return to the app regularly.
